I love to dive the kelp forests off the SoCal coast. When I first started to dive I was overwhelmed at the variety of species I was seeing. Over time, I started to see the order within the complexity. What I couldn’t find was a good website that would help me with the monumental task of learning about what I was seeing in this entirely new world.
So I put my students to work! This site has some great resources on the kelp forest. I’ll even be so bold as to say I haven’t seen one with more resources (and links to resources) in one place. The biology class of 16-17 did a great job providing info on some of the organisms as part of their unit on ecology. I particularly like the webcams and videos linked throughout, but especially on the resources page.
When I need to relax, the Anacapa Ocean live stream does it every time (during daylight anyway :-).
Within a few days of publishing the project, Google released their new Google Sites. We hope you enjoy! Click the link below or the image above to visit.
Kelp Forest Organisms – CLHS Biology 2016