ImpressivE projECTS


Some things we’ve worked on lately…

  • – This is a site where I share some of the projects my students put together. I always learn things and get unexpected perspectives from my students.
  • Trees of CLHS – CLHS Biology 2017
    For an 8-acre campus, there are quite a variety of trees at California Lutheran High School. With this site, the CLHS Biology class took on the task of identifying and mapping the various types of trees on campus.
  • Kelp Forest Organisms – CLHS Biology 2016
    I love to dive the kelp forests off the SoCal coast. When I first started to dive I was overwhelmed at the variety of species. Over time, I started to see the order within the complexity. This site has some great resources on the kelp forest. The biology class of 16-17 did a great job providing info on some of the organisms as part of their unit on ecology.
  • Periodic – CLHS Chemistry 2016
    The periodic table is a cornerstone of chemistry. After learning a bit about its development and structure, CLHS chemistry students picked topics related to the table. The website linked above is the fruit of their labors.
  • SciBlog – CLHS Sciences 2008-present
    Once upon a time…I had students reading and reporting on current happenings in the sciences from newpapers, magazines, and journals. They would produce a summary…I would read, assess, and get smarter. The students missed the benefit of seeing each other’s work. By blogging, students were tasked not only with writing about current events in science, they had to read and comment on others work.